Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Omega Station, come in... (Reduction has been Greenlit!)

[INSLOG-7348_Leviathan]: Any callsign, come in... We are a transport inbound. ETA 60 hours. Come in, over.

[INSLOG-7348_Leviathan]: Any callsign, any callsign, come in... Over...

[CBTTRANS-98703_BigDog]: Who is this?

[INSLOGVEH-7348_Leviathan]: Good to hear you. We are a longhaul transport, inbound from the Outer Systems. Interstellar Logistics Vehicle 7348: the "Leviathan".

Monday, 24 March 2014

C2: New target grid to follow!... Reduction V3.6 Is Up!

Marines, This Is Command-Control...
Listen up! We've been having some issues with mission coordination. Changes to ORBAT as follows...

Download it here...


Mission 6: Targeting HUD
Some of you grunts weren't aware that you had to actively target-select where Thunderhead's airstrikes hit (not just call them down). To make that painfully fucking obvious, Bugburner is giving you access to our battlespace C2 HUD, so you can see where airstrikes will land! Use this info wisely and call down effective airstrikes! Our flyboys are tired of killing dirt...

Mission 6: Hovercart Damage
All the lead flying around, together with the general hostility of the crawlers in this sector, is starting to show on the hovercart. You'll notice that bullet and drone hits are taking a toll on that thing. Try to keep it going, okay? We have a replacement on backorder, but our log boys tell us it could be months before that arrives (if it ever does).

Mission 6: Repair Proceed Bugfix
For some reason, the repair sequence at the first reload point of Mission 6 would result, now and then, in failure of the hovercart to move forward. Our tech boys have looked into it and fixed that. Shouldn't be an issue anymore. (It damn well better not be an issue...)

Mission 2: Crash Addressed
Abrupt mission failure has sometimes been occurring late in Mission 2. Something to do with the way paraflares are fired. While we don't have coder support, we have implemented a fix, and hopefully you won't experience sudden abort at that point. (We're doin' the best we can with what we've got, okay!...)

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Regroup! Reload! Roll Out! - Reduction V3.5 is Ready!

Attention: Offworld Drop Marines...

Okay, I skipped over V3.4 and went right to V3.5. Got caught up in some changes to Mission 6 (and a bit more)...

Get it here...

Here's the changelog...

Repair kit added to the payload!
One of you Marines commented on this. So our ODM tech boys threw a quick repair kit into the carriage. At the first ammo drop, if the carriage has taken some hits, you have the option to do a few repairs (if you have a tech Marine). However, putting in that repair took up some space: there's a bit less ammo now (if you need more, bring it).

Those arty buggers were leaking memory!
If memory is like beer back at the barracks mess, then our localdeaf-and-dumb artillery guys, Hammerhead, were hogging it! (Fixed a memory leak, originating at the artillery guns, that could cause crashes early in the mission.)

Looks like a few aircraft have crashed recently...
Some aircraft have gone down in this sector lately. You'll see the wreckage as you pass by. Sorry Marines... no time for rescue ops. None of them made it out alive... So keep moving... Those boys at Outpost Charlie are waiting.

Added airstrike marking flares
Apparently, the presence of Thunderhead - our local improvised air support - has caused some confusion among Marines. (I don't know why... Maybe they forgot their basic training... Adapt! Improvise! Overcome!) Anyway, as of this moment all Marines will be required to mark airstrike targets with flares.

The hovercart will now grind crawlers up nicely!
You might have noticed that a bug might occasionally get sucked up under the skirt of the Carriage, preventing forward movement. Some dumbass tech had put in fancy composite material fanblades into the hovercraft's fan mechanism, so the blades would break off and the Carriage wouldn't move anymore. We put the old-tech metal blades back into the hovercart, so rest assured: if any crawler gets sucked up under the skirt it'll be ground up into hamburger momentarily, and you can continue moving forward. (Actually, we had installed this fix months ago... That dumbass tech must've been smoking something...)

New Defensive APC Protocol!
Bugburner here - command-control for this sector...

Somebody has jury-rigged an APC to act as a front gate for the bridge leading out of the Safe Zone... Whoever is in charge of that thing is getting sloppy. We had a bug get past it a few hours ago. As of this moment: that APC will remain in the closed position, unless specific orders are given otherwise! In the meantime, Marines wanting to leave the Safe Zone to cross the bridge into hostile territory will need to jump the barrier. (Don't worry... We know that razor wire is nasty stuff. We've given you a couple jump points to vault it.)

The terrain has changed a bit
Is it me or is there a bit more scorching and rubble on this turf?

Hope you enjoy it...
Just remember: a crawler wouldn't feel sorry for you...

Get Reduction V3.5 here...